PHYSICS UNIT 2023-2024
Energy is conserved and its transformation can affect living things and the environment.
Learning Goals
- What is the law of conservation of energy?
- Explain the transformation of potential (stored) and kinetic (moving) energy?
Types of Energy - PE stored energy (gravitational PE = mgh),
KE energy of motion (translational KE = 1/2 mv2)
Transformation of energy -
PHET Roller Coaster
Egg Drop
Local and Global Impacts of energy transformations from technology
pollution, habitat destruction, carbon dioxide output
Energy of Reactions - Endo/Exo
Activation Energy
Bouncy Ball, Graph
Lab Report
Nuclear Energy
8.1 Describing Motion
8.2 Uniform Motion
9.1 Acceleration
9.2 Calculating Acceleration
WB p147-152 key
WB p156-161
WB p172-175
WB 9.1 Describing Acceleration
WB 9.2 Calculating Acceleraton
Chapter 8 Study Guide
Chapter 9 Study Guide
Acceleration Summary Sheet
Energy Transfer Story Assignment
Energy WB p180-183
Energy WS
May 31/June 1- Transfer of Energy, HW:Energy Transfer Story Assignment, WB p180-183
May 29/30 - Transfer of Heat, HW: CYU p435 #1,2,4,7,9,10
May 25/28 Acceleration Test, HW: Read p424-430, Answer RC p426 and p428 to hand in.
May 23/24 Gravity
May 23/24 Activity
May 17/22 Calculating Acceleration, HW: WB
May 11/14 Acitivity 9-1C p387
May 9/10 - Acceleration, WB p166-168
May 9/10 - Chapter 8 Test, Read pages 380-382 try answering 9-1B
May 7/8 - Acitivity 8-2E p373,
May3 - Hand in 8-1E lab - you can use class time for this. 8.2 Average Velocity notes, Activity 8-2B in class, CYU p361 #1-17 (You do not need complete sentences for CYU)
May 4 - Hand in 8-1F lab - you can use class time for this. 8.2 Average Velocity notes, Activity 8-2B in class, CYU p361 #1-17 (You do not need complete sentences for CYU)
May 2 - Activity 8-1F p358, 1 per group, Hand in.
May 1 - Activity 8-1E from text p356 to hand in
Apr 30
April 20/24 - Uniform Motion, HW: WB p150-152
Apr 20/24 - Finish Debates - Any absences must be justified (by guardian/counsellor/doctor) or you forfeit your mark for the oral debate part.
Hand in your research points for the other half of your mark. Click HERE to see what I'm looking for.
April 18/19 Debate! (If you are away this day, you must bring a note justifying your absence. This will be your ticket to debate next class. No note, no mark and your team will debate without you.) Click HERE for what to hand in and how you will be marked.
Present some more Genetic Mutation PPT
KE energy of motion (translational KE = 1/2 mv2)
Transformation of energy -
- transfer of energy in closed and open systems
- heat (Q = mc∆ T)
PHET Roller Coaster
Egg Drop
Local and Global Impacts of energy transformations from technology
pollution, habitat destruction, carbon dioxide output
Energy of Reactions - Endo/Exo
Activation Energy
Bouncy Ball, Graph
Lab Report
Nuclear Energy
8.1 Describing Motion
8.2 Uniform Motion
9.1 Acceleration
9.2 Calculating Acceleration
WB p147-152 key
WB p156-161
WB p172-175
WB 9.1 Describing Acceleration
WB 9.2 Calculating Acceleraton
Chapter 8 Study Guide
Chapter 9 Study Guide
Acceleration Summary Sheet
Energy Transfer Story Assignment
Energy WB p180-183
Energy WS
May 31/June 1- Transfer of Energy, HW:Energy Transfer Story Assignment, WB p180-183
May 29/30 - Transfer of Heat, HW: CYU p435 #1,2,4,7,9,10
May 25/28 Acceleration Test, HW: Read p424-430, Answer RC p426 and p428 to hand in.
May 23/24 Gravity
May 23/24 Activity
May 17/22 Calculating Acceleration, HW: WB
May 11/14 Acitivity 9-1C p387
May 9/10 - Acceleration, WB p166-168
May 9/10 - Chapter 8 Test, Read pages 380-382 try answering 9-1B
May 7/8 - Acitivity 8-2E p373,
May3 - Hand in 8-1E lab - you can use class time for this. 8.2 Average Velocity notes, Activity 8-2B in class, CYU p361 #1-17 (You do not need complete sentences for CYU)
May 4 - Hand in 8-1F lab - you can use class time for this. 8.2 Average Velocity notes, Activity 8-2B in class, CYU p361 #1-17 (You do not need complete sentences for CYU)
May 2 - Activity 8-1F p358, 1 per group, Hand in.
May 1 - Activity 8-1E from text p356 to hand in
Apr 30
April 20/24 - Uniform Motion, HW: WB p150-152
Apr 20/24 - Finish Debates - Any absences must be justified (by guardian/counsellor/doctor) or you forfeit your mark for the oral debate part.
Hand in your research points for the other half of your mark. Click HERE to see what I'm looking for.
April 18/19 Debate! (If you are away this day, you must bring a note justifying your absence. This will be your ticket to debate next class. No note, no mark and your team will debate without you.) Click HERE for what to hand in and how you will be marked.
Present some more Genetic Mutation PPT