Learning Goals
1 Continental Drift
2 Plate Boundaries
3 Volcanoes
4 Earthquakes
Watch: National Geographic "Colliding Continents"
Pangaea Questions
Plate Tectonics Package
HW:Plate Tect package p 1-7 due June 2/5
Watch: Great Discoveries with Bill Nye
Watch: How the Earth was made: Ring of Fire
HW: Ring of Fire WS
HW: Volcano WS
HW: Earthquake WS4_earthquake_ws.docx
Read: The Big One
HW: The Big One WS
More info on Pacific Ring of Fire
Watch: How big do Tsunamis get?
Watch: How big do Tornadoes get?
Watch: How Dangerous would a supervolcano eruption be?
Test: June 15/16 (know KMT - phase changes, physical vs chemical change; atomic theory - history of models, subatomic particles; density, plate tectonics- theories, layers of earth, how plates move, volcanoes, earthquakes)
CHEMISTRY UNIT (KMT, Measuring Matter, Atomic Theory)
Chemistry Unit Learning Goals
Chemistry Unit Test:
Atomic Theory
HW: Workbook page 16-17 due May 8/9
HW:3D model of atom due May 12/15
HW: Workbook p89-93 due May 10/11
Atom Quiz: May 15/16
Measuring Matter: Mass, Volume, Density (Part of Chemistry Unit)
Measuring Matter Notes
Bring Calculators to class
HW: Relating Mass and Volume lab due April 7/10
HW: complete Density Questions in notes.
HW: Density Work sheet BLM 3-12
HW: Density Work sheet BLM 3-13
HW: Wacky Water lab plan- April 21/25 have a plan and what materials are needed.
Perform following class April 26/27
HW: Water Lab Write up due May2/3. Formal Lab write up, Individually, using complete sentences. Self assess using rubric on handout. There will be some class time provided to work on write up.
Lab Report Format
Mass, Volume, Density Quiz April 21/25 Bring Calculator
Kinetic Molecular Theory
KMT Learning Goals
KMT Quiz April 3/4 (Study notes on: Particle Theory of Matter, states of matter, terminology of phase changes, when is energy lost/gained, thermal contraction/expansion, difference between chemical and physical changes)
KMT Notes
HW: WB p100 due Mar 2/3
HW: RC p253
HW: bring empty pop can
HW: WB p101-102 due Mar 29/30
PHYSICS UNIT (OPTICS -Human Vision, Light, Mirrors, Lenses)
OPTICS Learning Goals
CHAPTER 6 - Human Vision, Ways of Enhancing Vision
Chapter 6 Quiz March 6 (parts of eye and function, how it compares to camera, lasers, fibre optics, telescopes, short sighted/ far sightedness and what lens to correct)
Human Vision Notes 6.1 PPT
Extending Human Vision Notes 6.2 PPT
HW: RC p205 due Feb 14/15
HW: RC p210 due Feb 20
HW: RC p223 due Feb 2728
HW: Eye Dissection Lab
CHAPTER 5:Ray Model of Light, Mirrors, Lenses
Optics Learning Goals
Chapter 5 Test Feb 15/16 (Study notes, Worksheets, text pages 168-199)
Ray model of Light 5.1 Notes PPT
Using Mirrors to Form Images Notes 5_2.ppt PPT
Using Lenses to Form Images Notes: 5_3.ppt PPT
HW: RC p 175 due Tues, Jan 31
HW: RC p171 due Friday Jan 27
HW: RC p186 due Feb 2/3
HW: p197 #6,7,8,10,11 due Feb 8
HW: p198 # 1,3-8, 10, 13 due Feb 10
Chapter 4: Properties of Waves, Properties of Visible Light, Electromagnetic Spectrum
Test Jan 25/26
HW: text pg 164 1, 5-12, 15, 16 in preparation for test
4.1 Quiz Jan 13/16
HW: p143 #1, 2, 4, 7,8
Workbook pages 52-60 answsers
First week back: begin Unit 2: Optics pg 130 in text. Write Immune System Quiz.
BIOLOGY UNIT (Cell, Microbes)
Hand in Reading Check Q's 1-6, p106 Dec 6/7 Microbe Quiz
Dec 2/5 3.1 Immune System Notes, "Handshake" Activity. HW: Reading Check Questions 1-6 on page 106 of text (due next class).
Summary Quiz Nov 22: Safety, microscope, cell, prokaryotes
Yeast Lab due Nov 21/22
Microbes notes
Osmosis/Diffusion Quiz Nov 7/8
1.3 Diffusion/Osmosis Worksheet, 1.3 Key
Diffusion notes, Diffusion Lab (due Nov 3/4) egg osmosis demo from text book
Class time to work on cell project.
Cell Quiz this week- know the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, Plant vs Animal Cells, Organelles and their function.
Cell Work sheet 1, 1.2 cell WS, 1.2 Cell WS answers
Oct 13/14 - Cell notes, intro to 3D cell project, play dough recipe
Oct 12/13 - Microscope Quiz
Oct 7/10 - Newo colony as an analogy of a cell
Oct 5/6 - Microscope Lab, Microscope Quiz Oct 12 (proper handling, resolving power, calculating magnification, estimating object size)
Oct 3/4 - Microscope Lab
Sept 28/29 - Microscope Calculations
Sept 26/27 - Observing Living Things notes
Sept 21/22 Complete Experiment and begin write up. See template.
Sept 19/20
What constitutes a living thing?
work on experimental design, perform experiment.
Sept 15/16
Observation vs Inference
Designing an experiment using scientific method
Sept 13/14
scientific method
types of variables in experiments (dependent, independent, control)
Sept 9/12
Safety Notes
safety symbols Text book p475
Sept 7/8
Introduction to Science 8
Getting to know you
Classroom expectations
Course outline: sci_8_course_outline_wilson.pdf
HW - Take your course outline home - review it with your parents, sign, bring back
Cell Comic Book